
Příspěvky: 1736
Registrován: 12.10.2023 14:19

Re: Ukrajina

Příspěvek od Tymoty »


Guy Verhofstadt says it like it is: on #Ukraine "I’m angry that we always use the big words but don’t bring the big guns"

Guy Verhofstadt říká, jak to je: o #Ukrajině "Jsem naštvaný, že vždycky používáme velká slova, ale nepřinášíme velké zbraně."
Příspěvky: 1736
Registrován: 12.10.2023 14:19

Re: Ukrajina

Příspěvek od Tymoty » ... ne-to-win/

Chancellor Scholz Must Change Course and Support Ukraine to Win

An Open Letter to Germany’s Leaders from International and German Experts

Benjamin Tallis, Ralf Fücks and Maximilian Terhalle

14 March 2024 ... 6873909822

Initial Signatories

Hon Chris Alexander, PC, Distinguished Fellow, Macdonald-Laurier Institute

Marieluise Beck, Director for Eastern Europe, Centre for Liberal Modernity, Berlin

Diedre Berger, Tikvah Institut gUG, Berlin

Jonathan Berkshire Miller, Director of Foreign Affairs, National Security & National Defence, Macdonald Laurier Institute

Stephen Blank, Senior Fellow, Foreign Policy Research Institute, Washington D.C.

Prof Dr Sören Brinkmann, Willy Brandt Centre for German and European Studies, University of Wroclaw

Aaron Gasch Burnett, Journalist and Analyst, Co-host of BerlinsideOut podcast

Olga Byrska, Sciences Po, Paris and European University Institute, Florence

Edward Hunter Christie, Senior Research Fellow, Finnish Institute of International Affairs

Dr Ariel Cohen, Non-Resident Senior Fellow, Atlantic Council

Dr Franziska Davies, Ludwig-Maximilian-University Munich.

Gordon B Davis Jr, Senior Fellow, Center for European Policy Analysis

Dr Balkan Devlen, Director of the Transatlantic Program, Macdonald Laurier Institute

Dr Thomas Enders, President,German Council on Foreign Relations

Ralf Fücks, Managing Director, Centre for Liberal Modernity, Berlin

Dr Ian Garner, Queens University

Alyona Getmanchuk, Founder and Director, New Europe Center, Kyiv

Keir Giles, Consulting Fellow, Chatham House

Dr Gustav Gressel, Senior Policy Fellow, European Council on Foreign Relations

Dr Olena Halushka, Centre for Ukrainian Victory, Kyiv

Rebecca Harms, Former MEP and President of the Green Group in the European Parliament

Dr Pierre Haroche, Queen Mary University of London

François Heisbourg, European security expert, Paris

Fabian Hoffmann, University of Oslo

Toomas Hendrik Ilves, Former President of Estonia

Prof Dr Thomas Jäger, University of Cologne

Dr Jochen Kleinschmidt, TU Dresden

Ambassador Pavlo Klimkin, former Foreign Minister of Ukraine & former Ambassador to Germany

Dr Valeria Korablyova, Ukraine in a Changing Europe Centre, Charles University Prague

Dr Bohdana Kurylo, University College London

Prof David Clay Large, Institute of European Studies, University of California Berkeley

Edward Lucas, Senior Advisor, Centre for European Policy Analysis (CEPA)

Paul Mason, London

Oleksandra Matviichuk, Nobel Peace Prize laureate, Director, Centre for Civil Liberties, Kyiv

Dr Nona Mikhelidze, Senior Fellow, Istituto Affari Internazionali, Rome.

Mattia Nelles, German-Ukrainian Bureau, Berlin

Prof Dr Francesco Nicoli, Gent University

James Nixey, Director Russia and Eurasia Programme, Chatham House

Prof Jacob Oberg, Professor of EU Law, University of Southern Denmark

Dr Maciej Olejnik, Willy Brandt Centre for German and European Studies, University of Wroclaw

Prof. Phillips P. O’Brien, Head of School of International Relations, University of St Andrews

Dr Artis Pabriks, former Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Defence Minister of Latvia

Prof Maria Popova, McGill University, Montreal

Dr Kristi Raik, Deputy Director, ICDS, Tallinn

Prof Dr Stephan Stetter, Universität der Bundeswehr, Munich

Julian Stöckle, Danube Youth Council

Dr Benjamin Tallis, Senior Research Fellow, German Council on Foreign Relations

Dr Maximilian Terhalle, Visiting Professor, London School of Economics (LSE IDEAS).

Dr Nathalie Tocci, Director, Istituto Affari Internazionali, Rome.

Dr Andreas Umland, Stockholm Centre for East European Studies

Kataryna Vakarchuk, Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University

Dr Alexander Vindman, Lieutenant Colonel (Retired),US Army

Ambassador Alexander Vershbow, Former NATO Deputy Secretary General, US Asst Secretary of Defense, US Ambassador to Russia
Příspěvky: 1736
Registrován: 12.10.2023 14:19

Re: Ukrajina

Příspěvek od Tymoty »

Od Prof Dr Thomas Jäger, University of Cologne hledat dál.
Příspěvky: 1736
Registrován: 12.10.2023 14:19

Re: Ukrajina

Příspěvek od Tymoty » :

> Putin must stopped.
> The arrival of European forces in #Ukraine would change KGB-Putin calculations. His genocide of Ukrainians must be stopped. A European-led response would subvert Russian #propaganda that NATO countries’ intervention in #Ukraine is merely an American ploy to undermine Russia.
> Ukraine is doing the best it can, but it needs help - help that European countries are able and increasingly willing to provide. Rather than force Russian escalation, a European troop presence would be more likely to prevent the conflict from spreading and prevent further damage to Ukraine’s economy and infrastructure. European leaders do not need to follow the dictates of an increasingly unreliable United States about how the battle in Ukraine should be waged; they can and should decide for themselves how best to ensure the continent’s freedom & security. #Europe must do what it takes to safeguard its own future, and that starts with making sure Ukraine wins this war.
> #closethesky #StopGenocide #ArrestPutin #Hague

We, the inhabitants and citizens of the European union, should do more than tooting, boosting and faving. Anybody willing to give a small effort to a cooperation above tooting, boosting and faving? Contact me.

#WhatAreWeDoingHere ?
Příspěvky: 1736
Registrován: 12.10.2023 14:19

Re: Ukrajina

Příspěvek od Tymoty »

I think that we, inhabitants and citizens of the Union, will help our American friends most if we first ensure Ukraine's victory by our help and then our own defence independent of the United States.

Příspěvky: 1736
Registrován: 12.10.2023 14:19

Re: Ukrajina

Příspěvek od Tymoty » , Thank you for the boost.

You and me had had some communication about the importance of Ukraine. Then there were the European Parliament elections. I would like to return our attention to the war. I would like to have yours and mine and perhaps others' common declaration like this:

We, the inhabitants or citizens, ask the European Union politicians, at the Union level and at the Memer States level, to ensure an Ukrainian victory and Russion defeat as soon as possilble.

Příspěvky: 1736
Registrován: 12.10.2023 14:19

Re: Ukrajina

Příspěvek od Tymoty » , the idea was to find or create and declare your and my common wish with respect to the Union politicians, including the member states politicians. Are you interested in such an excercise? If yes, we may consider the differences in your statement and my statement: 1 - Russian non-victory x Ukrainian victory. 2 - Indefinite x as soon as possible.

Příspěvky: 1736
Registrován: 12.10.2023 14:19

Re: Ukrajina

Příspěvek od Tymoty » :

> Ukraine Weekend Update 93
> "The fact that the Russians have not had many troops on their border seems to be a direct result of US pressure on Ukraine not to launch attacks into Russia itself [...]. However up until now this has handed a huge amount of the initiative to Russia. They could choose when and where to attack Ukraine from Russia [...], and didn’t have to use many troops defending their own border (an amazing thing in war). "
> ... -offensive
> #PhillipsPOBrien #Ukraine (and anybody interested) Would you consider a cooperation which is a little more then plain Mastodoning? Consider , which is done by and with my occasional help. We may do something similar with the account . Let us talk about the possibilities 🙂


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