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Re: David Graeber a David Wengrow: Úsvit všeho

Napsal: 9.8.2024 09:30
od Tymoty
Each day the adult men of a town would gather to spend much of the day arguing about politics, in a spirit of rational debate, in conversations punctuated by the smoking of tobacco and drinking of caffeinated beverages.

#DawnOfEverything : A New History of Humanity by #DavidGraeber and #DavidWengrow ; Ch 11.


Re: David Graeber a David Wengrow: Úsvit všeho

Napsal: 9.8.2024 09:39
od Tymoty
... qualifications to enter bureaucracies are typically based on some form of knowledge that has virtually nothing to do with actual administration.

#DawnOfEverything : A New History of Humanity by #DavidGraeber and #DavidWengrow ; Ch 11.


Re: David Graeber a David Wengrow: Úsvit všeho

Napsal: 9.8.2024 09:40
od Tymoty

Re: David Graeber a David Wengrow: Úsvit všeho

Napsal: 9.8.2024 10:41
od Tymoty I believe, that we the people (inhabitants and citizens of the European Union), are capable to establish social / political / ecological arrangement of our society which is good, right and beautiful. I also believe, that we are equally capable to establish one which is bad, evil and kitschy. It is up to us, you, me, him, her, them. I also believe that the essential ingredience of the good way is to spend regularly some time arguing about politics in the spirit of the rational debate with fixed counteparts. This requires a mutual election and a bond. I am inviting you to form such a gathering. It can be the five of us or a pair or anything between. We may use Mastodon, but it is something different from plain Mastodoning.


Re: David Graeber a David Wengrow: Úsvit všeho

Napsal: 12.8.2024 00:56
od Tymoty
Tymoty » 17.7.2024 10:10

> Dawn of Everything: A New History of Humanity by David Graeber and David Wengrow at Open Library: ... Everything
> Úsvit všeho. Nová historie lidstva. David Graeber a David Wengrow na Jan Melvil:
> Úsvit všeho. Graeber, David, Vydání: Jan Melvil Publishing 2024 na Městská knihovna v Praze:

Tak jsem to dolouskal a rád bych si o tom povídal / psal s dalšími čtenáři.
