Hein de Haas

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Registrován: 12.10.2023 14:19

Hein de Haas

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Hein de Haas is professor of sociology at the University of Amsterdam, and the author of How Migration Really Works. https://www.theguardian.com/profile/hein-de-haas . https://i.guim.co.uk/img/uploads/2023/1 ... f76152263e . Hein_de_Haas.webp .

https://duckduckgo.com/?q=Hein+de+Haas+ ... ua)&ia=web .

https://www.uva.nl/en/profile/h/a/h.g.d ... ehaas.html .

https://openlibrary.org/works/OL3433750 ... ally_Works . Nemám!

https://trojkatretiho.cz/search.php?keywords=imig* . https://trojkatretiho.cz/viewtopic.php? ... mig%2A#p90 . Jan-Werner Müller. Mueler.

https://bird.makeup/users/heindehaas . 692b0f7169f1071d.jpg .

#HeinDeHaas . https://mastodon.nl/tags/heindehaas . https://mastodon.social/@tinyspheresof/ ... 5921726850 .
https://mastodon.social/@ErikJonker/111481613898129210 . https://journa.host/@fingolas/111664409879789070 .

Hein de Haas. https://mastodon.scot/@CGM/111662850787012475 . https://drosophila.social/@kofanchen/111663095588761622 . https://fosstodon.org/@jeffmcneill/111666215891460588 . https://bagarrosphere.fr/@abolitionnist ... 5229552238


Mám toho ještě dost v hlavě, ale pro teď by to snad stačilo. Počkám, jestli se někdo ozve. Vánoční projev irského presidenta. #MareNostrum . #SchroedingerMigrant . Ukrajinští prvňáčci na Praze 3. Lidé bez domova. Pod-lidé v Evropské unii...
Příspěvky: 1855
Registrován: 12.10.2023 14:19

Re: Hein de Haas

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Příspěvky: 1855
Registrován: 12.10.2023 14:19

Re: Hein de Haas

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How Migration Really Works: The Facts about the Most Divisive Issue in Politics. Hein de Haas.

Reader’s Note
Myth 1 Migration is at an all-time high
Myth 2 Borders are beyond control
Myth 3 The world is facing a refugee crisis
Myth 4 Our societies are more diverse than ever
Myth 5 Development in poor countries will reduce migration
Myth 6 Emigration is a desperate flight from misery
Myth 7 We don’t need migrant workers
Myth 8 Immigrants steal jobs and drive down wages
Myth 9 Immigration undermines the welfare state
Myth 10 Immigrant integration has failed
Myth 11 Mass migration has produced mass segregation
Myth 12 Immigration sends crime rates soaring
Myth 13 Emigration leads to a brain drain
Myth 14 Immigration lifts all boats
Myth 15 We need immigrants to fix the problems of ageing societies
Myth 16 Borders are closing down
Myth 17 Conservatives are tougher on immigration
Myth 18 Public opinion has turned against immigration
Myth 19 Smuggling is the cause of illegal migration
Myth 20 Trafficking is a form of modern slavery
Myth 21 Border restrictions reduce immigration
Myth 22 Climate change will lead to mass migration
The Road Ahead
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About the Author

From About the Author:

> www.heindehaas.org

From: Introduction

> I wrote this book out of a deep sense of urgency. There is much academic research on migration, but so little of that has filtered through into public debate or the policies proposed by politicians and international organizations, which partly explains why policies frequently fail or even backfire. From the years of research I have undertaken and shared, the public lectures I have given, the radio and TV debates in which I have participated, and the work I have done with governments and international organizations, I have concluded that speaking ‘truth to power’ isn’t enough to change the tone and improve the quality of debates.

> In other words, just spreading ‘facts’ doesn’t work. Politicians and other policymakers will ignore the facts they find inconvenient. For instance, typically, after I give a lecture to senior policymakers, they enthusiastically come up to me during the drinks reception and congratulate me for the ‘fascinating presentation’, but then immediately quip, ‘We can never implement your insights, because that would be political suicide.’ Hence, my aim with this book is to cut straight through to you, the general reader, and equip you with the knowledge that will enable you to more critically scrutinize claims made by politicians, pundits and experts, and see through the various forms of misinformation and propaganda that abound on this subject.
Příspěvky: 1855
Registrován: 12.10.2023 14:19

Re: Hein de Haas

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Příspěvky: 1855
Registrován: 12.10.2023 14:19

Re: Hein de Haas

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Několik citátů z Úvodu:

> ... why have politicians across the West failed to curb immigration despite massive investments of taxpayer money in border enforcement? Why is illegal migration continuing despite politicians’ promises to destroy the business model of smugglers? Why have governments been so ineffective in preventing the exploitation of migrant workers, despite their repeated promises to viciously crack down on such abuses?

> From the years of research I have undertaken and shared, the public lectures I have given, the radio and TV debates in which I have participated, and the work I have done with governments and international organizations, I have concluded that speaking ‘truth to power’ isn’t enough to change the tone and improve the quality of debates.
> In other words, just spreading ‘facts’ doesn’t work.

> For decades now, politicians from across the political spectrum have repeatedly pledged to ‘fix our broken immigration system’, to ‘take back control on immigration’ and to ‘crack down on smuggling and trafficking’. Others have proposed using aid to curb immigration from poor countries. However, politicians have consistently failed to deliver on these promises. In fact, the evidence shows that many of these policies have backfired, as they paradoxically produce more migration while stimulating illegal migration and facilitating the exploitation of migrant workers.

> politicians have not only failed to deliver on their long-standing and endlessly repeated promises, but in many ways their policies have made things worse. Immigration and integration policies have not only fallen short of their objectives, they have also been counterproductive

> policies are bound to fail because they are in fact among the very causes of the problems they pretend to solve.

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