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Pravicový terorismus a násilí v západní Evropě

Napsal: 14.3.2024 19:14
od Tymoty
RTV Trend Report 2023
Right-Wing Terrorism and Violence
in Western Europe, 1990 - 2022
Jacob Aasland Ravndal, Charlotte Tandberg, Simone Sessolo,
Anders Ravik Jupskås and Tore Bjørgo ... 3360665944 ... report.pdf

2023-rtv-trend-report.pdf 47 pages

The report begins by briefly outlining some key features of the RTV dataset, including its case
inclusion criteria, its data sources, and its methodological limitations. Next, we present key
findings from this year’s update regarding attack frequencies, cross-national variation, targeting,
perpetrators, weapons, and plots. We then move on to discuss two selected topics; first, the
threat from anti-government extremism; and second, the degree to which attack plots should be
taken into consideration when assessing terrorist threats. Finally, we present a case study of far-
right violence in France, one of few countries in Western Europe where right-wing terrorism and
violence may be on the rise.