abolitionniste <---> bobojp

Příspěvky: 1938
Registrován: 12.10.2023 14:19

Re: abolitionniste <---> bobojp

Příspěvek od Tymoty »

bobojp reacts to: https://trojkatretiho.cz/viewtopic.php?p=1341#p1341

https://theblower.au/@bobojp/112874820778787762 :

> I won’t lie, copy-pasting the text all the time only makes things more difficult…
> I’m managing a company in software engineering and I don’t have a lot of time or energy left. I come to mastodon for easy news, to “relax” and a little bit of anti-Putin “activism”.

@bobojp@theblower.au , for me, the particular arrangement with you is more important than the principle. English will be it 🙂

@Pierrette@mastodon.uno , what about you?

10/10 https://trojkatretiho.cz/viewtopic.php?p=1285#p1285

Příspěvky: 1938
Registrován: 12.10.2023 14:19

Re: abolitionniste <---> bobojp

Příspěvek od Tymoty »

https://mastodon.uno/@Pierrette/112875472442531513 :

> I really don't mind, naturally writing in English is more convenient, though the hybrid format is pretty fun; I'll write in English to @bobojp and if you all don't mind will go on with the hybrid experiment with anybody available. (a challenge to my brain! but interesting) a fun effect of the hybrid thread:a fedifriend was convinced I actually understood so many languages and I had to correct him though for a few moments I've enjoyed the status of a miracle linguist....

@Pierrette@mastodon.uno 🙂 For me, @abolitionniste@bagarrosphere.fr = @tymoty@f.cz , this is the perfect arrangement. With some people some conversations we do the hybrid way sans l'anglais ( @tymoty@f.cz ). With some people some conversation we do in English only ( @abolitionniste@bagarrosphere.fr ): @bobojp@theblower.au @Pierrette@mastodon.uno .

11 https://trojkatretiho.cz/viewtopic.php?p=1342#p1342

Příspěvky: 1938
Registrován: 12.10.2023 14:19

Re: abolitionniste <---> bobojp

Příspěvek od Tymoty »

@bobojp@theblower.au I will try to describe my proposal to you in two dimensions:

(1) We focus / can focus / it makes sense to focus on achieving some explicit / ceremonial consensus. Agreement about something specific; not about everything. Agreement between you and me; possibly in some small(!!) group. Agreement probably over some text. A statement. A declaration. Preferably brief, clear, understandable. But surely it can be more than a one sentence declaration "The European Union is my home". And it doesn't have to be a text; that itself may change during the course of the "negotiations"; we can think of other ways to portray our agreement. But it may as well be text. That is, I propose we forget about / stop thinking about 'upscaling' all the time. OK, we may have to figure out first if this focus on the two of us or a small(!!) group makes sense for both of us, if we both believe in it, if we can agree on this 'methodology'.

(2) And the consensus that I would like to reach with you should be, in my opinion, about the desired direction of the European Union for us. The desired direction of the planet / humanity / the Universe can be included in this as the desired action of the Union externally, how the Union should act in the world / on the future of all humanity / in the Universe. In other words, we put the Union as an agent betwee us and the planet / the humanity / the Universe. And of course, there is also to be the desired direction of the Union internally. Do we want the dictatorship of Viktor Orbán or rather the rule of law? And so on. Something like a "party political program", but perhaps something much more general to allow within it the existence of different parties / vectors and some way of their competing and cooperating. And although only you and I or a small(!!) group are to agree on that "political program" we are to think of / imagine a sufficiently broad colorful polyphonic coalition(??) when doing so; but not inclusive of all - not the will of the people - the will of part of the people. We are to imagine that there may be such a large consensus on our small agreement that it will come to pass. That it will "rule"; not absolutely; not forever.

#tg60174915 #tg821088819
Příspěvky: 1938
Registrován: 12.10.2023 14:19

Re: abolitionniste <---> bobojp

Příspěvek od Tymoty »

https://theblower.au/@bobojp/112907918938424101 :

> OK

@bobojp@theblower.au 🎉🍷🎆

#tg60174915 #tg821088819
Příspěvky: 1938
Registrován: 12.10.2023 14:19

Re: abolitionniste <---> bobojp

Příspěvek od Tymoty »

(The correct tag is #tg601749156 ; not the one with 6 at the end missing #tg60174915 .)

Following up on 14 https://trojkatretiho.cz/viewtopic.php?p=1510#p1510 #tg845716998

@bobojp@theblower.au (1) You and me, together with others, have established a bond by co-signing the one sentence declaration 🇪🇺📃The European Union is my home.📃🇪🇺 42 https://trojkatretiho.cz/viewtopic.php?p=1427#p1427 #tg421100420

(2) You and me, have agreed on / co-signed this "list of 265" declaration:

🇪🇺📃I, a resident or a citizen of the European Union, want it to be what these 265 MEPs are aiming for:

1 Oihane Agirregoitia
2 Alex Agius Saliba
3 Abir Al-Sahlani
4 Grégory Allione
5 Rasmus Andresen
6 Barry Andrews
7 Vytenis Andriukaitis
8 Marc Angel
9 Lucia Annunziata
10 Sakis Arnaoutoglou
11 Jaume Asens
12 Francisco Assis
13 Daniel Attard
14 Petras Auštrevičius
15 Malik Azmani
16 Alice Bah Kuhnke
17 Thomas Bajada
18 Jeannette Baljeu
19 Laura Ballarin
20 Katarina Barley
21 Dan Barna
22 Dragoș Benea
23 Brando Benifei
24 Robert Biedroń
25 Gabriele Bischoff
26 Vilija Blinkevičiūtė
27 Michael Bloss
28 Damian Boeselager
29 Stefano Bonaccini
30 Biljana Borzan
31 Gordan Bosanac
32 Stine Bosse
33 Gilles Boyer
34 Helmut Brandstätter
35 Saskia Bricmont
36 Udo Bullmann
37 Delara Burkhardt
38 Mélissa Camara
39 Pascal Canfin
40 Gheorghe Cârciu
41 Nicolás González Casares
42 Benoît Cassart
43 Anna Cavazzini
44 José Cepeda
45 Estelle Ceulemans
46 Mohammed Chahim
47 Olivier Chastel
48 Asger Christensen
49 Veronika Cifrová Ostrihoňová
50 Christophe Clergeau
51 Catarina Cordeiro Vieira
52 David Cormand
53 Annalisa Corrado
54 Vivien Costanzo
55 Barry Cowen
56 Tobias Cremer
57 Johan Danielsson
58 João Cotrim de Figueiredo
59 Antonio Decaro
60 Valérie Devaux
61 Elio Di Rupo
62 Adnan Dibrani
63 Vasile Dîncu
64 Klára Dobrev
65 Matthias Ecke
66 Bas Eickhout
67 Sofie Eriksson
68 Engin Eroglu
69 Laurence Farreng
70 Jonás Fernández
71 Gabriela Firea
72 Claire Fita
73 Daniel Freund
74 Sigrid Friis
75 Heléne Fritzon
76 Niels Fuglsang
77 Lina Gálvez
78 Iratxe García
79 Alexandra Geese
80 Jens Geier
81 Gerben-Jan Gerbrandy
82 Jean-Marc Germain
83 Andreas Glück
84 Raphaël Glucksmann
85 Charles Goerens
86 Isilda Gomes
87 Sandra Gómez
88 Bruno Gonçalves
89 Sérgio Gonçalves
90 Giorgio Gori
91 Sandro Gozi
92 Maria Grapini
93 Markéta Gregorová
94 Bart Groothuis
95 Elisabeth Grossmann
96 Christophe Grudler
97 Elisabetta Gualmini
98 Cristina Guarda
99 Bernard Guetta
100 Maria Guzenina
101 Svenja Hahn
102 Martin Häusling
103 Valérie Hayer
104 Hannes Heide
105 Eero Heinäluoma
106 Anna-Maja Henriksson
107 Raquel Garcia Hermida
108 Martin Hojsík
109 Pär Holmgren
110 Ivars Ijabs
111 Evin Incir
112 Hana Jalloul
113 Romana Jerković
114 Pierre Jouvet
115 Irena Joveva
116 Taner Kabilov
117 François Kalfon
118 Marina Kaljurand
119 Karin Karlsbro
120 Ľubica Karvašová
121 Elsi Katainen
122 Billy Kelleher
123 Fabienne Keller
124 Michał Kobosko
125 Mihhail Kõlvart
126 Moritz Körner
127 Katri Kulmuni
128 Ilhan Kyuchyuk
129 Sergey Lagodinsky
130 Aurore Lalucq
131 Bernd Lange
132 Katrin Langensiepen
133 Murielle Laurent
134 Camilla Laureti
135 Nathalie Loiseau
136 Morten Løkkegaard
137 Juan Fernando López
138 Javi López Fernández
139 Isabella Lövin
140 César Luena
141 Giuseppe Lupo
142 Cristina Maestre
143 Marit Maij
144 Claudiu Manda
145 Giannis Maniatis
146 Pierfrancesco Maran
147 Ignazio Marino
148 Erik Marquardt
149 Ana Martins
150 Vicent Marzà
151 Predrag Matić
152 Sara Matthieu
153 Costas Mavrides
154 Nora Mebarek
155 Ana Catarina Mendes
156 Idoia Mendia
157 Tilly Metz
158 Sven Mikser
159 Nikola Minchev
160 Roxana Mînzatu
161 Ana Miranda Paz
162 Csaba Molnár
163 Javier Moreno
164 Alessandra Moretti
165 Ștefan Mușoiu
166 Dario Nardella
167 Victor Negrescu
168 Matjaž Nemec
169 Hannah Neumann
170 Cynthia Ní Mhurchú
171 Dan Nica
172 Ville Niinistö
173 Maria Noichl
174 Rasmus Nordqvist
175 Aodhán Ó Ríordáin
176 Ľudovít Ódor
177 Jan-Christoph Oetjen
178 Maria Ohisalo
179 Leoluca Orlando
180 Urmas Paet
181 Leire Pajín
182 Nikos Papandreou
183 Jutta Paulus
184 Thomas Pellerin-Carlin
185 Tsvetelina Penkova
186 Kira Peter-Hansen
187 Hristo Petrov
188 Pina Picierno
189 Tonino Picula
190 Vladimir Prebilič
191 Emma Rafowicz
192 Evelyn Regner
193 Terry Reintke
194 René Repasi
195 Sabrina Repp
196 Thijs Reuten
197 Diana Riba
198 Teresa Ribera
199 Matteo Ricci
200 Chloé Ridel
201 Nela Riehl
202 Manuela Ripa
203 André Rodrigues
204 Marcos Ros
205 Sandro Ruotolo
206 Nacho Sánchez Amor
207 Elena Sancho
208 Marjan Šarec
209 Éric Sargiacomo
210 Mounir Satouri
211 Majdouline Sbaï
212 Christel Schaldemose
213 Joanna Scheuring-Wielgus
214 Andreas Schieder
215 Lena Schilling
216 Benedetta Scuderi
217 Rosa Serrano Sierra
218 Günther Sidl
219 Christine Singer
220 Virginijus Sinkevičius
221 Birgit Sippel
222 Krzysztof Śmiszek
223 Villy Søvndal
224 Mārtiņš Staķis
225 Nicolae Ștefănuță
226 Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann
227 Cecilia Strada
228 Joachim Streit
229 Tineke Strik
230 Anna Strolenberg
231 Anna Stürgkh
232 Marco Tarquinio
233 Carla Tavares
234 Kai Tegethoff
235 Marta Temido
236 Irene Tinagli
237 Bruno Tobback
238 Eugen Tomac
239 Raffaele Topo
240 Marie Toussaint
241 Mihai Tudose
242 Nils Ušakovs
243 Kathleen Van Brempt
244 Anouk van Brug
245 Brigitte van den Berg
246 Reinier van Lanschot
247 Kim van Sparrentak
248 Hilde Vautmans
249 Marie-Pierre Vedrenne
250 Yvan Verougstraete
251 Kristian Vigenin
252 Marianne Vind
253 Vlad Voiculescu
254 Thomas Waitz
255 Emma Wiesner
256 Michal Wiezik
257 Sophie Wilmès
258 Tiemo Wölken
259 Lara Wolters
260 Lucia Yar
261 Stéphanie Yon-Courtin
262 Elena Yoncheva
263 Dainius Žalimas
264 Alessandro Zan
265 Nicola Zingaretti📃🇪🇺 https://theblower.au/@bobojp/112744099176653626 66 https://trojkatretiho.cz/viewtopic.php?p=1084#p1084 #tg310140376 already quoted 1 https://trojkatretiho.cz/viewtopic.php?p=1095#p1095 .

(3) And you and me agreed / co-signed

🇪🇺📃(1) We focus / can focus / it makes sense to focus on achieving some explicit / ceremonial consensus. Agreement about something specific; not about everything. Agreement between you and me; possibly in some small(!!) group. Agreement probably over some text. A statement. A declaration. Preferably brief, clear, understandable. But surely it can be more than a one sentence declaration "The European Union is my home". And it doesn't have to be a text; that itself may change during the course of the "negotiations"; we can think of other ways to portray our agreement. But it may as well be text. That is, I propose we forget about / stop thinking about 'upscaling' all the time. OK, we may have to figure out first if this focus on the two of us or a small(!!) group makes sense for both of us, if we both believe in it, if we can agree on this 'methodology'.

(2) And the consensus that I would like to reach with you should be, in my opinion, about the desired direction of the European Union for us. The desired direction of the planet / humanity / the Universe can be included in this as the desired action of the Union externally, how the Union should act in the world / on the future of all humanity / in the Universe. In other words, we put the Union as an agent betwee us and the planet / the humanity / the Universe. And of course, there is also to be the desired direction of the Union internally. Do we want the dictatorship of Viktor Orbán or rather the rule of law? And so on. Something like a "party political program", but perhaps something much more general to allow within it the existence of different parties / vectors and some way of their competing and cooperating. And although only you and I or a small(!!) group are to agree on that "political program" we are to think of / imagine a sufficiently broad colorful polyphonic coalition(??) when doing so; but not inclusive of all - not the will of the people - the will of part of the people. We are to imagine that there may be such a large consensus on our small agreement that it will come to pass. That it will "rule"; not absolutely; not forever.📃🇪🇺 14 https://trojkatretiho.cz/viewtopic.php?p=1453#p1453 15 https://trojkatretiho.cz/viewtopic.php?p=1469#p1469 #tg821088819 .

That is already something! Case for celebration 🎉🍷🎆

Now, where we go from here further? Any suggestion?

@bobojp@theblower.au @donar@f.cz @Pierrette@mastodon.uno @xChaos@f.cz, you are invited too 🙂

And others too 🙂

#tg601749156 #tg845716998 #tg421100420 #tg310140376 #tg821088819

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