Evropská rada (EUCO)

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Registrován: 12.10.2023 14:19

Re: Evropská rada (EUCO)

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O Evropské radě (#EUCO) nadhazuji několi bodů za účelem, aby byly popřeny, upřesněny, rozpracovány nebo potvrzeny:

1. Její pojmenování i formální ukotvení v zakládacích smlouvách je neumětelské.

2. Unie je hybrid "nadstátní organizace států" (jako třeba Spojené národy) a "státu" (jako třeba Indie).

3. Evropská rada (EUCO) je orgánem členských zemí. Je Valným shromaždění Unie. Vrcholní představitelé členských zemí nejednají za sebe, jednají za své země. Jsou zástupci. Alespoň formálně to tak je. Tím se liší jejich pověření od poslanců a komisařů, kteří mají osobní pověření - jednají za sebe. Alespoň formálně to tak je.

4. Konsensus dvaceti sedmi "vládců" měl velkou moc, i když nebyl formalizován, měl by ji, i kdyby nebyl formalizován, a mnoho z moci, kterou má, běží nikoliv "fomálními kanály" podle zakládacích smluv, nýbrž "kanály neformálnimi".

@elCelio@mastodon.uno @FilipNerad@mastodonczech.cz @HistoPol@mastodon.social @jmaris@eupolicy.social @nooartur@mastodon.social @pmroman@toot.community @Veza85UE@eupolicy.social

Příspěvky: 1011
Registrován: 12.10.2023 14:19

Re: Evropská rada (EUCO)

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On the European Council (#EUCO), I am raising several points, with the purpose of having them denied, clarified, elaborated or confirmed:

1. Its naming and formal anchoring in the founding treaties is artless.

2. The Union is a hybrid of a "supranational organization of states" (like the United Nations) and a "state" (like India).

3. The European Council (EUCO) is the body of the member countries. It is the General Assembly of the Union. The leaders of the Member States do not act for themselves, they act for their countries. They are proxies. At least formally, it is like this. This is how their mandate differs from MEPs and commissioners, who have a personal mandate - they act for themselves. At least formally, it is like this.

4. The consensus of twenty-seven "rulers" had a great deal of power even when it had not been formalized, it would have it even if it had not been formalized, and much of the power it has runs not through the "fomal channels" of the founding treaties but through "informal channels."

@elCelio@mastodon.uno @FilipNerad@mastodonczech.cz @HistoPol@mastodon.social @jmaris@eupolicy.social @nooartur@mastodon.social @pmroman@toot.community @Veza85UE@eupolicy.social

Příspěvky: 1011
Registrován: 12.10.2023 14:19

Re: Evropská rada (EUCO)

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27.6. 22:22 https://eupolicy.social/@Veza85UE/112690445973761634 :

> They've apparently had a constructive agreement about the bare bones of the pompously named Strategic Agenda 2024-2029, though that's mostly an outline we'll see what they make of The Draghi Report in July and where defence spending talks go, etc etc. Details here:
> https://www.consilium.europa.eu/cs/poli ... 2024-2029/

So, I still don't understand what is the legal status of these "conclusions" in general. And what is the legal status of:

a) having a page "European Council conclusions" https://www.consilium.europa.eu/en/docu ... nclusions/ which in its address has words "public-register"; and

b) on that page under title "European Council meeting (27 June 2024) – Conclusions", having a link to a pdf: https://data.consilium.europa.eu/doc/do ... NIT/en/pdf ; and

c) in that pdf under the heading "Strategic Agenda", having paragreaph 47: "The European Council adopted the Strategic Agenda for the Union for 2024-2029 as set out inthe annex"; and

d) in the pdf, heaving neither the annex nor any indication where such an annex may be found; and

e) on page "European Council, 27 June 2024" https://www.consilium.europa.eu/en/meet ... 024/06/27/ under title "Strategic agenda 2024-2029 (pdf)", having a link to pdf: https://www.consilium.europa.eu/media/4 ... agenda.pdf .

So the text of the Agenda (the annex?) is neither in the conclusions nor in the "public register"? How do I now which is the valid text of the annex?

Moreover, on the page "European Council conclusions" https://www.consilium.europa.eu/en/docu ... nclusions/ , there is a warning: "Please note that any references contained in the register are not legally binding. Only legal acts published in the Official Journal are binding."

And when I search in the "Access the Official Journal" https://eur-lex.europa.eu/oj/direct-acc ... ?locale=en , I am not able to find any European Council conlusions there.

I don't understand. I don't understand.
Příspěvky: 1011
Registrován: 12.10.2023 14:19

Re: Evropská rada (EUCO)

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19:56 abolitionniste https://bagarrosphere.fr/@abolitionnist ... 7083899809 :

> @Veza85UE , I don't understand. I don't understand. What is the legal status of these conclusions and these agendas. Is it really none? More wailing here:
> https://trojkatretiho.cz/viewtopic.php?p=1000#p1000
> #tg860818779

Compare https://trojkatretiho.cz/viewtopic.php?p=271#p271 and https://eupolicy.social/@jmaris/111715442839776495 :

> ... guidelines on policy direction...

Příspěvky: 1011
Registrován: 12.10.2023 14:19

Re: Evropská rada (EUCO)

Příspěvek od Tymoty »

24.6. 11:56 Veza85UE https://eupolicy.social/@Veza85UE/112670999299167971 :

> ... es muy consentido en nuestra pequeña burbuja mastodóntica por lo que veo, así que no hay mucho que discutir. La decisión sobre todos los asuntos relacionados con Ucrania se toma en esta sala, no en el Parlamento Europeo:
> https://www.consilium.europa.eu/cs/european-council/
> ...así que las personas con las que hay que hablar de ello (y votar en consecuencia) están en la capital de cada país miembro.

25.6. 13:08 pmroman https://toot.community/@pmroman/112676942328313944 :

> That's right Veza85UE, it's the Council.

I think, that "we"(!?) should be careful how "we"(!?) speak about the member countries, their leaders and the European Council. I tried to address the issue already here: https://trojkatretiho.cz/viewtopic.php?p=996#p996 . On Ukraine and many other issues, despite the existence of the European Union, it still up to the member countries to reach a decision / consensus. This is a lot of work inside the individual member countries and a lot of inter-govermental negotiations. Some of these negotiation happen during the meetings of the European Council. But these negotionations have nothing to do with the very limited formal role of the Euroupen Council in the formal doings of the formal European Union bodies. These negotiations and their "conclusion" are important and have effect because they are negotiations and conclusions of powerful men and few also powerful women and would have the same effect wherevere they are done.

@pgcd@mastodon.online @pmroman@toot.community @Veza85UE@eupolicy.social @xChaos@f.cz


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