> Evropská unie - dát se dohromady a být vnitřně funkčnější
> @ , tak dobrá, překlopil jsem se k mluvení o Tvém cíli:
> :
> @ Hombre, breve no será 😄, estamos hablando de una reforma constitucional para 500 millones de personas. Son grandes cambios sistémicos. Pero supongo que lo más parecido que tenemos hasta ahora a un *resumen* exhaustivo de las reformas necesarias es este informe:
> ... t-century/ :
> @ Luego el Informe Draghi cae en julio, 400 páginas 🤤 sobre los cimientos y el recurso para todo: la economía (capítulo deshacerse del ordoliberalismo lo encontraremos allí, ya que los del Instituto Delors no son expertos en economía, así que...hay que esperar hasta julio).
Tady je 'Delors' anglicky: ... t-century/
Tady je pédéefko: ... REPORT.pdf
@ , výborně. Tys 'Delors' přečetl? A chystáš se přečíst 'Draghi'? Snad seberu sílu přečíst 'Draghi'. Ale svým "normálním lidem" přece neříkáš přečtěte si 'Delors', ne? Máme jasné heslo? Dát se dohromady a být vnitřně funkčnější? Sailing on High Sees: Reforming and Enlarging the EU for the 21st century?
Tohle se mi líbí (str. 13):
> A hybrid political system
> We assume that institutional reform proposals, of which many are being discussed, should be consistent with a chosen model of the EU as a decision-making system. If the axioms are not made explicit, proposals cannot be coherently evaluated, and debates could become confused. Controversies about reform proposals in the political and academic debates are usually anchored in disagreements over the nature and future of the EU as a political system.
> Some critics thus see the EU as just another international organisation and argue that it has extended its competencies too far. The EU should not further encroach on national sovereignty and should not directly involve its citizens since preconditions for a classical democracy (a demos, a public sphere and a common language) are missing. From this perspective, Member State representatives remain central in EU decision-making – via the Council, the European Council (EUCO), and national parliaments.
> Others see the EU as a parliamentary democracy evolving towards a federal state, a perspective embraced for instance by the CoFoE. The European Parliament (EP) should thus be further empowered, the Commission should become the EU’s politicised executive and the Council a high chamber. From this perspective, politicisation of the EU is considered a good thing, democratic decision-making should replace technocracy, and a European public sphere should be fostered.
> Our group sees the EU as a hybrid system in which the European general interest is put forward in three ways: by the European Commission, by citizens’ representatives in the EP, and by government representatives in the European Council and Council. These three sources of legitimacy correspond to different modes of European action. The ‘Community method’ applies to the definition and management of the most integrated policies in which the European Commission still plays a central role . The EP commands major policy decisions and ensures democratic control. Choices that remain very important for national sovereignty are made in an intergovernmental way.
> We think that, given the political realities in Europe today, this threefold and hybrid logic should continue to provide the EU with a stable and effective political system. While our report seeks to help overcome shortcomings in decision-making and to further clarify the rules of the game, it does not include proposals that would shift the EU away from this balance.
Je pro mě důležité vnímat Unii jako něco zvláštního, co není ani "stát" ani "jen tak nějaká nadnárodní organizace".